Roots - About Bernie

Sophie added the following note.

Just a bit about Bernie. As a boy of 15 he had rheumatic fever, which left him with a heart condition. This weakness I think he had inherited from his dear mother Bubba Noble, who had also had rheumatic fever in her youth. However he was able to cope with his health problems. He had worked for Britannia Insurance Company for some time after he and Min were married but after a serious setback, which put him in hospital for some time, it was decided he should work with us in Battersea. Bubba was always anxious. And I worried about him, and made Ziggie promise to look after Bernie -- so that's how it was. Bubba died in 1948, and Bernie died suddenly from a cerebral haemorrhage in 1951. It was all very tragic as you can imagine. He was in the shop with Ziggie, and poor Pop-Pop had to cope with it. It was a real nightmare.

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